Pelvic Floor Yoga: Pregnancy & Postpartum (even years postpartum!)
What exactly is this Pelvic Floor thing? Should I do Kegels or not? Are they just for pregnancy, or are they better postpartum? My mom says she's peed her pants every time she's sneezed since she had me...so I guess that's normal? The hemorrhoids/back pain/hip pain/shooting pain in my groin is killing me. And why the heck do we do so many squats in prenatal yoga classes? Is this even safe? I'm planning/had a cesarean birth – do I even need pelvic floor exercises?

Prenatal Yoga Modifications
Whether you are a teacher wanting to expand on your training, you’re expecting a baby yourself, or you’re going through the postpartum period and are interested in the WHYs, DOs, and DON'Ts of perinatal yoga -- this workshop is for you.

Partner Yoga: Pregnancy & Postpartum
Join us for this luxurious practice, filled with supportive postures meant to gently open, stretch, release tension, and deepen your bond with your loved ones and community. Partner yoga is a great way to practice your communication – an important tool in birth, pregnancy, and parenting!